
The Spring Symposium 2025 will take place on the natural science campus of the University of Münster. All conference venues are marked in the conference map.

Physics Lecture Hall Building

(Wilhelm Klemm Str. 10 )

From Wednesday to Friday the Spring Symposium will take lace in the physics lecture hall building at the University of Münster. All lectures will take place in lecture hall HS1. The exhibition will be located in the foyer.

The entrances to the lecture hall are situated on an elevated gallery, providing easy access to the seating area. The service desk will be positioned directly at the entrance to assist attendees with any inquiries.

The workshops will take place in various rooms and conference helpers will guide participants to their respective locations.

A cloakroom will be available in Room EG 85.

Chemistry Lecture Hall Building

(Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 6)

On Saturday, the conference will take place in the chemistry lecture hall building at the university of Münster. All lectures will take place in lecture hall C1.

The entrances to the lecture hall are situated on an elevated gallery, providing easy access to the seating area. The service desk will be positioned directly at the entrance to assist attendees with any inquiries.

A cloakroom will be available in Room O3.

Mensa am Ring

(Domagkstraße 61)

The conference dinner on Friday, will take place in the entrance hall of the Mensa am Ring.